What is ‘effective leadership’ ?

A question regularly asked by participants, particularly when addressing the issue of enhancing organisational leadership capacity and capability.  For inspiration, and a thoroughly researched answer, I have gone to a former colleague, and good friend, Professor Roger Gill.

In his book “Theory And Practice Of Leadership”, Roger identifies “Six core themes and practices of Effective Leadership”:

VISION. Effective leaders define and communicate a valid and appealing vision of the future.

PURPOSE. Effective leaders define and communicate a valid and appealing mission and purpose.

VALUES. Effective leaders identify, display, promote and reinforce shared values that inform and support the vision, purpose and strategies.

STRATEGY. Effective leaders develop, communicate and implement rational strategies that are informed by shared values and enable people to pursue the vision and the purpose.

EMPOWERMENT. Effective leaders empower people to be able to do what needs to be done.

ENGAGEMENT. Effective leaders engage people to want to do what needs to be done by using their personal power to influence, motivate and inspire them.”

– Roger Gill “Theory And Practice Of Leadership” Second edition, published by Sage

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