John Smith Memorial Trust

“Leadership and The Rule of Law “

John Smith Memorial Trust

Working in partnership with The John Smith Memorial Trust and The Foreign and Commonwealth Office; on a three week “Rule of Law Fellowship Programme” . The target audience was MP’s, Council members, High Court Judges, Human Rights Lawyers, and senior NGO executives working in this environment. The countries engaged in this first pilot programme, were Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon; with fifteen participants in attendance.

Our task was to design and deliver a three day, interactive and stimulating  leadership programme with subsequent follow on opportunities, as the start point for this challenging initiative.

The programme was conceived as  a discursive and reflective event, designed to enhance the understanding of both individual and collective leadership. Individual in that the participants were encouraged to look and review their own and others personal leadership style, and the impact their behaviour had on others. Collective, through the exploration of how the development of a leadership culture, within a governmental and social environment could support countries that are in transition.

Aware of the complexity of the social and cultural issues , staff used a facilitative and mentoring approach, encouraging the participants to fully immerse themselves in the programme.

During the three days, the programme content explored :

Leadership ; values and principles, trust and respect The challenges leadership today faces, particularly within The Rule of Law context Leadership for the present and the future, what do we need The leader as role model Leadership styles with reference to self.

To discuss our work and how we can support you please get in touch