Executive Leadership Development

We have vast experience of working with senior teams, at strategic decision making levels

Executive Leadership Development

We create executive leadership development programmes and workshops to help you increase your leadership awareness so that leadership is something you exhibit, display and use every day.

By understanding this responsibility, working together we can help you to enhance your leadership performance and leadership effectiveness; looking at areas such as:

Understanding the leadership challenge

Leading the organisation, showing the way; challenging, inspiring and motivating ; engaging and empowering; delivering results.

Reviewing personal style

understanding you; your behaviours; your attributes; your personal qualities; your approach; the way you interact with others; your leadership style.

Being the leader – theory into practice

Reviewing leadership theories and models; connection with culture and context, atmosphere and relationships; putting theory into practice; me, my style, my context.

Leading effectively – every day

building resilience; increasing confidence; inspiring and motivating others; reviewing and supporting; enhancing leadership performance. Leader as role model (bullet)
Personal behaviour; living the values; influence and negotiation; walking the talk; showing the way; creating the culture.

To discuss your Executive Leadership Development needs please get in touch

Leadership Development Methodology

Our leadership development methodology encourages reflective practice and drives thought into action.

Leadership development methodologyIntegral to our leadership development methodology is our expertise and experience in engaging, listening and challenging.

We use these specific facilitation skills to enable participants to build their awareness of:

  • Leadership Culture
  • Organisational Environment
  • Clear Objectives

These are the principles of our leadership development programmes:

  • We create leadership development interventions that are contextual, reflective, robust and resilient.
  • We challenge emotional intelligence, building leadership capacity and resilience.
  • Participants are invited to accept responsibility for their own learning leading to focussed outcomes.

We encourage individuals to step up to leadership, creating a positive and challenging delivery/coaching style that is flexible; respectful of participants learning style, capability, environment, culture and atmosphere.

To discuss how our senior and executive leadership development programmes can support you, please get in touch

Worldly Leadership Foundation

Board and Senior Leadership Development

Worldly Leadership Foundation - senior leadership development

We are a highly experienced associate team delivering executive leadership development programmes. Working together over many years we have helped and supported the senior leaders in organisations across all sectors. Working with the executives, senior managers, teams and boards to enhance both their own and their organisation’s leadership performance and effectiveness.

We are passionate about designing and delivering robust, resilient, senior executive leadership development interventions. We pride ourselves on ensuring that such engagement is business focussed, contextual, in the moment, and culturally aware.
Ours is a pragmatic approach, based on helping senior leaders and executives to turn theory into practice. We are proud of what we have done, what we have achieved; and the resultant individual and organisational growth.

Recent examples of our work include:

  • Over 3 years of on-going engagement, delivering executive and senior leadership development programmes, mentoring and support to top teams within Birmingham Community Health Care NHS Trust
  • Leadership and the Rule of Law Programme for John Smith Memorial Trust
  • Leadership and Change Workshops within the Civil Service
  • Facilitating leadership workshops within the HR function of Makhteshim Agan

Examples of our work in 2018:

  • “1-1 personal leadership MENTORING”… supporting individual CEO’s as they seek to hone and enhance their leadership skills in the workplace.
  • Working directly with the Senior Vice President, Human Resources, of a global materials company in leading the development and implementation of an HRBP culture.
  • Supporting one of the world’s leading “agricultural solutions company” by designing and facilitating “leadership” workshops to the GM and the Boards of “country” companies in Russia, Romania and Switzerland.
  • Working with a global organisation, to develop a comprehensive leadership development programme which will not only build and develop leaders and leadership throughout the organisation but will inspire and retain key leaders and talent

To discuss our leadership development programmes please get in touch.