Leadership and reflective practice

“What is this world if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare.”

As a leader it is important to regularly make the time to reflect :

* on the events of the day, week, month ..

*on the successes, the failures, and the lessons learnt

*on your leadership behaviour, and the signals you have been sending

*on how you have engaged the staff in achieving the common goals

*on what it is you might need to do differently, the messages you might need to keep on repeating

*on the environment and atmosphere you have created

nb: in doing so be true to yourself on your reflections; there is an old maxim worth remembering, “we always lie loudest when we lie to ourselves”.

Finally, it is worth noting, that we have a tendency to disproportionately concentrate on what we haven’t done, or what has gone wrong, and fail to recognise , celebrate , and even acknowledge the lessons we can learn from achievement and success .

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